I set out a plan at the 2019 Election about my 5 key priorities for Montgomeryshire over the course of the Parliament.
1. Investing in Montgomeryshire: Delivering the Newtown Bypass showed what can be achieved when politicians work together. I want to build on this success by delivering more improvement across our road network to ease congestion and make it easier to get around. We also need investment in our digital infrastructure and broadband
2. Get Brexit Done: We held a referendum and had a clear instruction to leave the EU. Montgomeryshire, Wales and the UK voted to leave. This issue needs to be resolved. We're working to get Brexit done, pass our deal and honour the result of the referendum.
3. Protecting our countryside & standing up for our farmers: We need to protect our countryside for the generations to come, ensuring local people get a fair say in the future of our rural landscape. We also need to ensure that the custodians of the countryside and local economy - our farmers - are supported both economically and their wellbeing.
4. Investing in our NHS: Working with our MS, Russell George, and building on the work of Glyn Davies to strengthen A&E services and Bronglais and Shrewsbury hospitals, whilst improving local facilities so that more people can be treated locally.
5. Demanding fair funding for our local services: Powys council is underfunded by the Welsh Labour/Lib Deb Government in Cardiff Bay. In comparison to other parts of Wales, this amounts to millions of pounds. Labour and the Lib Dems need to give us our fair share so we can maintain our schools, roads, leisure centres and libraries.